
An independent portrayal of Ramsay Bolton based off the both the books and the tv series.Ramsay is not wholly canon compliant but can be written with a heavy lean on either the book or tv canon. I welcome the opportunity to write Ramsay in many different and varied storylines to see how his character evolves.Ramsay is multiship and multiverse. As such all ships will be written in separate verses that will at no point converge.**** Please Note****
Ramsay is cruel, sadistic, and unstable. Mature content, nsfw / sexual content, graphic content with themes of violence and torture will be present and as such possibly triggering. It is for this reason that the I will not interact with minors.

About Ramsay

Full Name: Ramsay Bolton
Age: storyline dependent*
Origin: The Dreadfort
Allegiance: House Bolton
Religion: Old Gods of the Forest
Hair Colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Body type: athletic and slim.

** Character info and traits:**
Ramsay Bolton is the bastard son of Roose Bolton. He was conceived of violence and pain and was later born to be raised by his mother who described him as a wild and unruly child. Claiming that she needed help raising her son Ramsay's mother brought him to The Dreadfort where he was thereafter raised by his father. After some time of living with his father and older, legitimate, brother Domeric Ramsay was informed of his birth status as a bastard; mysteriously some time after learning of his bastard status Ramsay 's brother Domeric died of a mysterious illness, leaving Ramsay as the only potential heir of Roose Bolton. As the only remaining son of Roose Bolton, at that time, he was thereafter instructed in the cruel and ruthless ways of his father's family. He is particularly skilled in the Bolton custom of flaying.
Ramsay is vicious, savage and a thoroughly unpredictable psychopath with sadistic tendencies. Despite his unstable nature Ramsay is ruthlessly intelligent, a skilled tactician, a keen hunter, and a natural born leader who can be extremely charismatic when it suits him.

**** Please Note****
Ramsay is cruel, sadistic, and unstable. Mature content, nsfw / sexual content, graphic content with themes of violence and torture will be present and as such possibly triggering. It is for this reason that the I will not interact with minors.

About the Writer

** Pronouns:** Sher/Her
Age: 25+
Experience: Over 7 years
** Writer Tag:** Phoenix
Ramsay Bolton is written by a paragraph style, descriptively, by a detailed, friendly, adult writer with more than seven years writing experience and who doesn't tolerate drama.Ramsay is cruel, violent, unstable, and sadistic but please do not confuse his nature with mine - I am not my character, I am a very friendly writer.As a writer I roleplay, on any platform, for the escape and joy of writing and watching my characters evolve with their respective storylines. I tolerate no drama outside the written story. I am also a more than twenty-five year old adult with a job and a personal life so please respect that replies may at times take longer than usual.